Cali’flour Foods cauliflower pizza crust makes its intent super clear from the start: its mission is to be the most Ketogenic gluten-free pizza crust you’ll ever find in the supermarkets. And, it most definitely delivers on that promise.
Out of all the alternative pizza crusts in the market, Cali’flour Foods’ crust is the most versatile crust you will ever find. It’s ultra-low-carb, low-calorie, high protein, gluten-free, grain-free, and additive-free.
Clearly, this crust targets the health-conscious demographics, highly motivated dieters, and the grain and gluten intolerant group.
But the question is, how does this crust fare against the other favored cauliflower crusts? Should you consider picking it up next time you’re looking for an alternative pizza crust?
Well, we’ll give you all the information you need and you can be the judge of that.
In this article, we’ll cover Cali’flour crust’s nutrition facts, ingredients, dietary details, how healthy the crust is, and a few additional topics you will find interesting.
So, without further ado, let’s get into the nitty-gritties of this keto-friendly alternative crust.
Cali’flour Foods Cauliflower Pizza Crust Nutrition Facts
Cali’flour crust is unique in the sense that it’s the only cauliflower pizza crust with the lowest net carb and the highest protein content. No other crust breaks into double digits in terms of protein grams at only 3 net carbs for the entire crust.
The whole crust (9-inch) has only 270 calories, 3g of net carbs, and 24g of protein. It’s officially the lowest in carbs and highest in protein amongst all cauliflower crusts on the market.
So, if you are on a keto diet, diabetic, or watching your weight, this crust is definitely a viable option for you. Here is the nutrition label for Cali’flour Foods’ crust:

Outer Aisle’s is the only other cauliflower crust that gets close to Cali’flour Foods’ crust in terms of carbs and protein content. No other cauliflower crust comes close to these two.
Here is side by side nutrition comparison of Cali’flour Foods’ crust and Outer Aisle’s:

Yes, these two cauliflower crusts are the front runners in being extremely diet-friendly.
They have other things in common as well that you can read about in our review article- Spoiler alert: they’re not the most realistic-tasting.
Cali’flour Foods Cauliflower Pizza Crust Ingredients
Cali’flour crust is made of only 4 main ingredients. The mozzarella used in the crust does have a mixture of 3 sub-ingredients, but overall with only 4 main ones, Cali’flour has the shortest list of ingredients.
The crust’s 4 ingredients are Cauliflower, Mozzarella, Egg Whites, and Psyllium Husk.
None of these ingredients are strange, hard to find, or heavily modified. And that’s definitely a good thing.
For your reference, here is a breakdown of the ingredients by each food group and processing agents:
Vegetables Cauliflower |
Dairy Mozzarella (Cultured Pasteurized Milk, Salt, and Enzymes) |
Meat & Poultry Egg Whites |
Herbs & Spices Psyllium Husk |
Is Cali’flour Foods Cauliflower Pizza Crust Healthy?
Despite its moderate amounts of saturated fat and sodium content, Cali’flour crust is one of the healthiest cauliflower crusts. With only 4 recognizable ingredients, this crust is a clear winner when it comes to healthiness. (a mobile app giving food products health scores) gives Cali’flour crust a 51/100. Although Yuka’s score could have been higher, you can judge the crust yourself by its ingredients. There is nothing strange-sounding on the list.
For a better perspective, take a look at this rundown of Yuka’s analysis that lists all positives and negatives of macronutrients and nutritional values of Cali’flour’s crust:

As you can see from Yuka’s report, the crust is low in sugar, has a good amount of protein, and is low in calories and net carbs. Most important of all, it has ZERO additives.
Is Cali’flour Foods Cauliflower Pizza Crust Diet-Friendly?
Cali’flour crust’s nutrition numbers are so diet-friendly that you could technically have the entire crust multiple times in one day and still be within your daily caloric and macronutrient goals.
So, if you’re on a weight-loss or ketogenic diet, this crust is a dream come true. Without any fuss, you can easily fit it into your daily caloric and macronutrient goals.
As for lifestyle diets go, let’s go over the few popular ones to see how Cali’flour crust fits with each.
Is Cali’flour Crust Vegan?
Cali’flour crust is not vegan. Two of its ingredients are animal products: Cheese and Eggs.
Is Cali’flour Crust Paleo-Friendly?
Cali’flour crust is not paleo-friendly. One of its ingredients is non-paleo: Psyllium Husk.
Is Cali’flour Crust Vegetarian-Friendly?
As long as your version of vegetarianism allows for cheese and eggs, then yes, Cali’flour crust is vegetarian-friendly.
Although Cali’flour’s crust may not match a lot of lifestyle diets, overall, the crust is the single best option for keto and weight-loss plans.
Look no further if you’re on a ketogenic or weight-loss diet and need a gluten-free pizza crust or a wrap to make your own version of pizza or sandwich, as Cali’flour crust will fit right in with your daily numbers.
Or, if you are not following one of these restrictive diets, you can feel confident that you’re making a healthy decision when choosing Cali’flour Foods Cauliflower Pizza Crust.
At the end of the day, with only 4 ingredients, this crust is versatile enough to be used in any way you please. You can get pretty creative with it!